Clouded Lands at CAB Burgos (Spain) and Rich Mix London (UK)

En este momento estás viendo Clouded Lands at CAB Burgos (Spain) and Rich Mix London (UK)

Clouded Lands

I’m honoured to be the curator of the Spanish Edition (CAB BURGOS) of Clouded Lands, opening in March 2017, and Assistant curator of the London edition (Rix Mix) in April. This project took place in Ukraine last year and in Berlin last September.

Here some Info:

The Chernobyl Disaster occurred during the Cold War, and it alarmed the whole Europe about what was safe to eat and drink.

Food of War considers of great relevance the consequences of this incident at the table of several European Countries where the radioactive cloud passed or might have had. We are not interested in the direct causes of the accident, but in exploring how it affected the continent and beyond in terms of consumption of food.

As a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster, Food of War is developing a touring exhibition project that follows the trail of the radioactive cloud over some of the former Soviet Republics and Europe. The exhibition involves artists from Ukraine, Belarus as well as from other EU nationalities. The tour will start in April 2016 in Kiev, and it is contemplated to visit Minsk and some European countries before opening in London in April 2017.


We would be opening the touring exhibition in Ukraine as this it was the cloud’s point of origin. The view of local artists regarding the incident is unique, as they have been influenced by it through their lives as part of their present-day heritage. This anniversary cannot go unnoticed, especially in Ukraine, where there is still a risk of radiation leaking if the appropriate measures are not taken.

Soon more information about the Spanish edition with the artists I have selected and the wonderful artworks they will present.

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